Drug addict

The dos and don’ts of helping a drug addict recover | Maia Szalavitz | Big Think

Drug Addiction and the Brain

Boxer Pauses Career to Support Her Drug Addiction | Intervention | A&E

Intervention: Nicholette’s Battle & Recovery from Drinking and Drug Addiction | A&E

How to Support a Friend Battling Addiction

Samantha Lies to Her Family For Money to Fuel her Drug Addiction | Intervention | A&E

Christina Follows Her Mom’s Footsteps to Drug Addiction | Intervention | A&E

Childhood Bullying Turned Al into a Drug Addict | Intervention | A&E

Carlos Briano recommends some DEA suggested resolutions for 2025.

How an Addicted Brain Works

Intervention: An Entire Family Addicted to Fentanyl - Part 1 | A&E

Mom's Unthinkable Acts Cause Dallas's Drug Addiction | Intervention | A&E

Intervention: Jasmine Spends $1200 A DAY on Fentanyl | A&E

Katie's Dance Career Derailed by Addiction and Partying | Intervention | A&E

Homeless man shares truth about heroin addiction

Why do we have to put drug users in jail?

Intervention: Caitlin Turned Full-Blown Drug Addict in the Blink of an Eye | A&E

Intervention: Karissa's SEVERE Heroin Addiction Has Her Spending $1400 a Week | A&E

Drug Abuse, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

Lessons from the Child of an Addict | Emily Smith | TEDxErie

Shaytan Controls the Drug Addict: A Story of a Recovered Drug Addict Br. Baquee Sabur

Drugs & Addiction : How to Deal With a Drug Addict

Drug Addiction : How to Leave a Drug Addict

Intervention: Sam & Brad’s Drug-Filled Codependency | A&E